Day 20 - Ritual  |  MOVE - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Day 20 – Ritual | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Yoga Teacher Training: Gateway to Becoming a Skilled Instructor Yoga teacher training programs are to equip prospective yoga teachers and serious students aiming to go deeper in the practice are…

Day 19 - Explore  |  MOVE - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Day 19 – Explore | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Are You Ready to Qualify As a Yoga Training Expert? Deciding to teach yoga is a big decision with many factors that need to be properly considered, but if it’s…

Day 18 - Savor  |  MOVE - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Day 18 – Savor | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

The Excitement of Beginning Yoga Beginners Yoga – The Excitement of Beginner Yoga – Congratulations for mustering the courage to take a step closer to becoming a Kundalini Yoga practitioner!…

Day 17 - Snuggle  |  MOVE - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Day 17 – Snuggle | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Yoga Positions for Kicking Bad Habits Let me introduce you to 11 yoga positions which are designed to help kick your bad habits. A term you will hear often is…

Day 16 - Anchor  |  MOVE - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Day 16 – Anchor | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Why Someone Who Practices Yoga Twice a Week Isn’t Necessarily a Yogi Yoga is a very wide notion including not only asana practice on the mat. It is a lifestyle…

Day 15 - Reset  |  MOVE - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Day 15 – Reset | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Why Office Workers Must Do Yoga Desk or office workers often come up complaining about almost negligible physical activity during their 8-hour job. And the irony is that those with…

Day 14 - Closer  |  MOVE - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Day 14 – Closer | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Yoga for Exercise and Rejuvenating the Mind Yoga is a kind of exercise. This system consists of postures, positions and series of different poses. The Asana is one of the…

Day 12 - Focus  |  MOVE - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Day 12 – Focus | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Five Steps to Your Home Yoga Practice I have just recently started a new full time job which means I have less time to get to a class. I made…

Day 11 - Mobility  |  MOVE - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Day 11 – Mobility | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Yoga Asanas for 60 Mins Doing the yoga asanas involves the full working and co-ordination between the mind and body. Read the article to learn about the full routine yoga…

Day 9 - Curiosity  |  MOVE - A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Day 9 – Curiosity | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

Yoga Training Courses: For Balance, Healing and Rejuvenation Yoga has evolved as a miraculous healing practice. It is practiced globally to achieve better health standards. This is an ancient science…