Yoga For Celebrating | Yoga With Adriene

3 Yoga Asanas To Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Dark circles usually give you a fatigued and tired look that is usually very unappealing. The good side is that yoga experts have come up with a number of poses that can help you in getting rid of the dark circles: Hastapadotasana Also known as the standing forward bend pose, this move aids in stretching all the body muscles. The move also invigorates the nervous system, beats digestive disorders and aids in increasing blood flow to the face.

3 Yoga Asanas To Beat Arthritis

Arthritis is usually a dangerous disease that is characterized by joint pain that makes it difficult for one to do even the most basic day to day activities such as washing. Yoga experts have recommended a number of moves that you can practice to beat arthritis: Trikonasana This move aids in relieving pain in the neck and shoulder. The move also strengthens your legs, ankles, chest and knees.

7 Must Have Herbs For Yogis

If you are a yogi, here are some herbs that you shouldn’t miss in your home: Schisandra (schisandra chinesis) Schisandra belongs to a group of herbs known as adaptogens. These are herbs that help the body to deal with stress. These herbs also aid in toning and strengthening the endocrine system. Schisandra has been shown to be very effective in maintaining sugar levels and improving sleep. Various research studies have shown that it also aids in helping the liver to detoxify the body.

4 Of The Most Common Yoga Animal Poses

Yoga poses were invented after a number of yoga specialists observed how animals behave. The poses play a major role in stretching arms, back, thighs, spine, and buttocks. The asanas also aid in relieving stress and keep the body flexible. If you are wondering which animal poses you should engage in, here they are:

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How To Do The Bird Of Paradise Pose

This pose is not for the weak. This is because it requires a lot from your body. The asana gives a lot of challenge to your focus, strength, flexibility and balance. The good side with it is that it strengthens your standing leg, knee, ankle and thigh. The pose also improves balance, and opens the groins and hamstrings.

4 Yoga Poses That You Must Come Across As A Yogi

If you are an aspiring yogi, there are some poses that you must come across in your yoga journey. The poses include: Balancing poses These poses help you to learn determination and patience. Once you successfully complete the asanas you find deep serenity which is of great benefit to you. Tree is one of the most common balancing poses that you will come across.

About the Rabbit Pose In Yoga

Also known as the Sasangasana, the rabbit pose plays a huge role in providing maximum extension for the spine and as a result it increases the mobility and elasticity of the spine. When the spine is well stretched it aids in feeding the nervous system with fresh blood and oxygen.

Ways Of Losing Weight Using Yoga

One of the best ways of losing weight is using yoga. There are a number of ways that you can use to lose weight using yoga: One of the ways is by choosing a yoga style that will allow you to easily lose weight. One of the best styles that you should go for is the Vinyasa style. This style involves a number of vigorous poses that create heat in the body and as a result you easily burn a lot of calories. Vinyasa style also aids in building muscle tone.

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Learn The First Lesson Of Pilates Technique With Corefit Pilates Class

There are some myths that Pilates is strictly made for boxers, golfers, belly dancers and injured people who want to improve their body postures after injuries. But the truth is totally different to what people have in their mind about the Pilates techniques. Invented by Joseph Pilates, a boxer and gymnast, Pilates techniques are known for increasing your overall core body strength

Aerial Yoga – Amalgaming Traditional Yoga And Aerial Acrobatics For A Better Lifestyle

The human body is like a machine that needs regular attention and care in the form of a healthy diet, regular exercises and timely sleep. Lack of any of them in your daily routine can cause serious health hazards and can affect your lifestyle. Today’s modern life is full of hectic schedules, stress, overwork and lack of balance.

How To Teach Yoga Classes For All Ability Levels

Teaching a yoga class is a big responsibility. You have to know how to get all of your students to relate to what you are teaching them despite everyone in your class having a different learning style as well as differing ability levels. What are…

Tips On How To Teach Yoga Students On The First Day

There are many resources available that suggest how to teach yoga students. But if students don’t return for the second day, it’s all a waste of time. An instructor has just a couple of hours to convince their students that this will be a…

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