Deep Into The Core


Significant Benefits of Yoga for Pregnant Women

For soon-to-be mommies seeking a baby-friendly way to stay fit and healthy, yoga is a great choice! What’s even better is that not only can yoga offer benefits as your traverse through the trimesters, it can also help you during the challenges of childbirth.

Yoga, Too “Quiet” for Me?

Why are there so many misconceptions about Yoga? Is it really for me? Should we break the myth?

Yoga Advice To Those Above 40

If you have been practicing yoga for many years and if you have reached the age of 40, it is high time you bear in mind a few points. Even experts corroborate with these points.

Recognizing The Need For Yoga Therapy To Boost Health

When it comes to complete, well-rounded health and wellness, it’s important to exercise both the body and mind. That’s never been more evident than now–a time when life’s daily stressors are affecting people’s health more than ever. Although it…

Yoga for Beginners – Five Ways to Ease Knee Pain

Interested in yoga but have weak knees? In this article, we examine five different techniques that you can use in yoga that will ease knee pain.

What You Need To Know About Continuing Education For Yoga Teachers

Like any educator, yoga teachers must continue to learn throughout the entire tenure of their career, keeping themselves up to date and refreshing their skills at regular intervals. For most states, this means a required number of hours of…

5 Reasons For Learning Yoga Online

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Yoga is used all over the world as a form of exercise and stress relief. It allows you to approach your life from a much more balanced perspective. Learning yoga online is easy to do, and it opens many doors into controlling your mind and body…

Bone Up With Yoga Therapy For Osteoporosis

There are many risk factors for Osteoporosis that cannot be controlled. However, what can help limit the chances of acquiring the ailment is a lifestyle that utilizes preventive care for your bones. These choices should occur during your 20’s and…

Using Yoga Nidra To Combat Night Terrors

Western physicians are now investigating a practice called Yoga Nidra, which means “yogic sleep.” This Tantric method is an all-natural, holistic way to achieve uninterrupted, relaxed and healthy sleep each night. It may even be a successful…

Yoga For Healing The Body And Mind Connection

While many people know that stress can have a huge impact on their body, the opposite is true as well. Reducing stress can help keep the body healthy or reduce pain and bring the body back to a healthy place. Many people use yoga for healing the…

The Benefits Of Moon Salutations

Imagine that you are trying to go to sleep, and your mind keeps going over and over everything that happened to you during the day. How do you shut down so you can get your rest? The ancient practice of yoga has always been focused on balance…

Best Poses When Teaching Chair Yoga Classes

Chair yoga is an unconventional and gentler type of yoga that is performed while seated in a chair or standing but using the chair as support. The poses are commonly modifications of Hatha Yoga poses. In most instances, chair yoga students are…

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